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The Story Behind It

This FIFA world cup is interesting since this world cup is almost the last for two of the world’s best players, Messi, and Ronaldo. While Messi has declared his exit from the football world yesterday, Ronaldo stands nobody knows. What makes such a different exit, even if Messi had lost at least the team would have surrounded him but luckily Argentina is part of the game. But that put me to dig deep more on Ronaldo. He gave such a controversial interview sometime back and again he was benched in the world cup. Portugal was okay for him to be benched, where had he gone wrong?


If you see Ronaldo’s trajectory, he has max. the number of wins and trophies to his accolades and he earns if not more at least the same amount of money from his social media account. This guy is bigger than the name he carries on his shoulder. His popularity is record-breaking, but the funny thing is he had fallen out with his managers and some of the coaches. Sometimes to an extent that he has exited famous clubs and people. His first fallout started in 2008, 12 years down the line did problem got solved with his age and maturity. Even though he was an individual he was the best but weren’t we playing a team’s sports? Someday even Sachin, Ganguli and Dravid were asked to leave even though they were the GODs of Indian Cricket. Did anybody show such an attitude? I don’t remember.

More than anything how can you cry like a child when you are told off to go as a strategy instead of understanding that maybe you are the world’s best but there can be people who are better at a particular moment? What the fuss? Sometimes I don’t feel pity for Ronaldo for his attitude. The coach and Coachee relationship is one of the most sacred relationships in the world. In which both select each other if there is a ruffle between them there is no point continuing it. He might have felt humiliated but to coach a person like Ronaldo, you need to trust Ronaldo. From the outside, it seems like he was thrown from heaven to hell before landing on earth this year. How many press statements are released you can’t away the emotions on the field.

“Toxicity at work, relationship or in life works as a slow poison which often ends its survivors as disillusioned or embittered.”

“A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.”

But there is a lesson even if you are the GOD of your field,
there will be days when things will not be on your side. At that time what people remember is not how much you have delivered in the past but how humble you were. How have they felt with you? People can work with some of the sloppiest of people if they have an attitude to learn and improve and remain humble. People coach these people don’t humiliate them and neither the coaches must bring their
laurels to the table. Also, if anybody ruins the culture of the team be it
Ronaldo he is better put off and the team will still win against Switzerland match. Haven’t people forgotten Culture eats Strategy for breakfast? They might not win the world initially but that disrespect to a Coach means he needs to be out of the team. That’s the call many coaches have taken in the past and will continue to do so. In the book, The Five Dysfunctions of the team, this is something that every leader has to watch out for. As a leader what kind of attitude
and culture you let people define will define the team you built upon is it a dream team or a team which delivers a lot because of one hero but nobody finds their ground? There is a reason I am a fan of Simon Sinek’s model to build teams.


These are my learnings from the incident:- Even if you are the best you need other people for your success. Your attitude defines you. You can never disrespect a coach.