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Dolce far niente – Leader’s Paradise

The Story Behind It Dolce far niente is sweet idleness may be described as art of sweet doing nothing. While many people are looking for ways to fill their time. I think I started my new year in a different manner where I might have been judged by some. So...

Ronaldo just gave us the biggest lesson

The Story Behind It This FIFA world cup is interesting since this world cup is almost the last for two of the world’s best players, Messi, and Ronaldo. While Messi has declared his exit from the football world yesterday, Ronaldo stands nobody knows. What makes such a...

The Art of having difficult conversation

The Story Behind It As a leader, one of the most important tasks we have is to have the Art of having difficult conversations. And the best part is everyone is a leader in their own personal life atleast if not otherwise By BHOOMI DIWA As a leader, one of the most...

Leadership Lessons from Zelensky

The Story Behind It What you feed your mind is reflecting in your thoughts and sometimes in writing. this is one is something that rubbed on my mind  By BHOOMI DIWA As much as I want to refrain from commenting on the war situation. I am amazed by the way Zelensky is...