The Story Behind It
Life is uncertain and there will be moments when we want to achieve more than what we currently have , at such moment we look for guidance or coache.But how to choose the right for you is a big question

Coaches are the people who take you from being good to great. Each great person we meet or see have a coach , even the talented Sachin Tendulkar had his coach. For some people we will be aware , for some people we will not be aware.
As more and more people are claiming to be coach it is more important now to know who will be investing in you.
One of the first things I do is check for the value system of person from whom Iam going to take my course. I realized this when I went for group coaching for financial topic that intriguded me and I lacked the skill. Strangely I found myself to have enrolled with the person with different value system. I had enrolled for something at 6.30 AM and one day before the group coaching commencement suddenly that shifted to 7.30 AM. I have a strong sense of time and can’t be around people who don’t value my time and their own. This may have been accepted by others but sorry I have few things lined up and changing time not for one day but throughout the next few days changed the way I was percieving that class eventhough I was getting the session recording but trust me I have promised myself that I will never enroll with the same person. So always remember to align and check with coach’s value system. As a coach also it is said if you have different value system than coachee don’t coach coachee
After making some mistakes, I have learnt to do some online profiling of an individual even if I go for 15 minutes. I can’t waste my time and be disappointed and feeling bad after interacting with anyone.
Whole point of coaching starts with the trust and if you can’t develop with your coach , no point proceeding further
“As a coachee you have to be transparent with your coach. Anything that hiders that should be considered as a red flag.”
If your coach is judgemental in any way ,Stay away from that coach. As a coachee even for professional life you might have to talk about your personal life because what happens in personal life can impact in what happens in professional life and vice-versa.So you have to be comfortable talking anything about you to your coach.
I have met few coaches who have great orator skills and having lot of theoretical knowledge . I still remember one of the Speaker in a webinar when was asked deep questions was not able to answer, so I knew he will never be able to answer my questions, so why waste his time and my time. Before selecting any coach try to have a free coaching session with potential coach. These days many coach provide with first free 20 or 60 min free . During this time ask them question-What you can expect from this coaching? Ask them what of kind person they like to connect most ? Understand the working agreement of holding you accountable for your success ?
Before deciding whom to pick , talk to few other coaches and understand who can be best fit for your needs
Sometimes you must try to look beyond the price tag because you are looking for the personal transformation
Also see if coach is ready to have regular interval evaluation on what you wanted to achieve and where you are at intervals. Is the coaching adding any value to your life?

While you are choosing the coach . Coach is also choosing the coachee. Coach is looking for your openess, commitment , focus and willingness to change
So in the end , if both of you can have a heart to heart conversation and commitment to progress, please go ahead on your journey of becoming Good to Great.
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