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Are Life Coaches Therapists?

The Story Behind It The idea of this came to me while I was having dinner with some colleagues over this weekend. I was bombarded with the questions people pay you because you listen? Are you a therapist in disguise? Do people come to you because they are lonely? All...

Relationship, Humans are complicated bit

The Story Behind It “Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.”—Albert Einstein Especially for staying together Gravity and habit can’t be the reason. By BHOOMI DIWA Why do 2 people stay anytime with each other? Because they love...

Concept of Consent

The Story Behind It I have seen only 3 seasons of Big Boss. 1st one, then some parts of 13th when I used to visit my parents to sit along with them and now BB15. I don’t know why I started watching it may be because it has been the worst of all times on the way people...